Robert Parker, author and creator of Louisville Ghost Walks, is a Louisville native. He is a retired middle school teacher, who has used the art of telling ghost stories to amuse and entertain large numbers of school students in his classes.
In his first book, Haunted Louisville 1, contains the story ‘School Spirit’ which tells the history of the ghost that haunted his school building and his interactions with the ghost. As the years passed and Louisville Ghost Walks grew, he was able to interview and investigate more properties, have ghostly encounters, and talk with others about their stories, all the while, gathering enough to complete three more books in the Haunted Louisville series.
Robert is involved in collecting ghost stories, interviewing people who have had experiences, and going on investigations in the city, out in the state, or in distant locations for his readers to enjoy.
Robert is involved also, with charitable organizations and works diligently among the homeless population and those less fortunate in society. He and his team have given their time for over seven years serving this forgotten and desperate population.
When time allows, one of Robert’s goal is to become a better pianist and be able to play professionally in public venues. Another passion, Robert volunteers with Actor’s Theater of Louisville as a support member.
At home, cooking, with an emphasis on bakery desserts consumes his free time.